All I can say is, what a load of bollocks. Public Transport?!! Public hold-up more like!
In all honesty I have never once caught a bus when it has been on time. Whether early or late it will be sure to drive off as it sees you running to hop in the double doors... and even when you manage to hop on you end up running head first into the post in the middle of the entrance!
When I am running late the first thing I think is 'oh well i'll have to catch the bus'. This is probably the worst decision I could make, yet I still make it every time.
Having a car at home, I got used to never having to rely on buses or trains to get anywhere, so after moving to university I have mostly used my bike to get around. However, my hatred of public transport began a couple of weeks ago. I was going to a fireworks display at Castle point which started at 9pm. Myself and my housemate Daisy got to the bus stop for 8.20pm to catch the bus, however by 8.45pm it still wasn't there! Suddenly the screen flashed and a big sign saying delayed pops up just to spite us. We ordered a taxi, costing £5 more and got there just on time.
The fireworks were wonderful and Daisy and Myself had almost forgotten the hassle of getting there, even so, instead of catching the bus back we thought a taxi would be the better option. How wrong we were. After half an hour of waiting we rang again, 15 minutes later... nothing. So we started walking and eventually hopped on a passing bus, getting home a grand total of an hour and a half after leaving the display.
My next incident with public transport was the following week, when after arranging for a lift into Uni with Ash. He managed to over sleep - be it my fault or his! - so I had to run into uni with my laptop and heavy bag full of books. On the way I figured I would hop on the Uni bus as I missioned along the road. As I got to the bus stop the bus flew past not even contemplating stopping for me. Stressed and in pain from the weight of library books on my shoulders I managed to flag down the next bus that went to the university. I handed over the money for my ticket, only to have 'why don't you have any bloody change?' yelled back at me. 'Everyone has given me bloody notes today and it is NOT funny!!!!!'. Well that isn't my fault Mr. Bus Driver man!!!! I should have said, but politely I replied with 'I'm sorry, I don't normally catch the bus, it's been a stressful morning'. 'Hasn't everyone's!!!' was snapped back from behind the glass panel and the Queen's face was promptly embedded in my hand as it was shoved forcefully full of change.
Catching the train to Fareham to interview my profile subject wasn't much more fun! I only just got to Southampton and on the train to Fareham in time for it to pull off from the platform. Red faced and out of breath from running up hundreds of stairs to the platform I sat down and got out my shorthand work, preparing myself for the interview ahead. Why when you book a train are the changes so bloomin' close to each other? The worst experience I have had in this instance was catching the train to Swansea. By the time the train had pulled into Bristol Parkway I was 10 minutes late for my train to Swansea and had to wait around for two hours nearly making myself late to the open day! Anyway, where was I? Ah yes... I got into Fareham and had to catch the bus to a little village called Stubbington - a place where only two buses travelled to - and I had no change. Due to previous experience there was no way I was getting on a bus without that!!! So I headed into the town to find a cash point.
Finally, getting to the bus stop I had arrived 3 minutes late and the bus only came every half hour. Balls. Ah well, I had Kings of Leon and a Pastry and I sat on the bench and waited. For 50 mins... It was a half hour bus service... ?!?!?! The same happened on the way back and I missed the fast train back to Bournemouth making me late for my audition. However, after explaining my situation I suggested I help backstage at West Side Story and I may have accidentally found myself in the position of Stage manager. I've never done backstage. Ever. Help!
After the fiasco of getting to Stubbington I had a rather good weekend! Hadouken was awesome but by the way Ash if you are reading, I hate you for getting to Interview them! Can't believe yet another article was snatched from under my nose. Then again... I have a feeling my profile is going to be a gooden. I hope :S
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