Rain is shit!
I have been sitting here for the past 10 mins trying to figure out how to start this blog and I finally decided to take Dan Hogans advice to be to the point, make it 'whizzy' and use known facts. Imagine that sentence being said to you in his eccentric tone and were away!
Monday morning I woke up feeling quite chirpy - an unusual feeling for 9am in the morning - and prepared for Dan's lecture by reading the Independent and sipping a cup of tea - sure as hell i'd need the caffeine! Dan's lectures often consist of running up and down various floors of the Media school, going outside in the freezing cold to observe imaginary news stories and interviewing tens of people that are uncanny to Dan himself! Fun packed and frivolous, but bloody tiring.
For once, I felt like I looked fairly representable as I left the house and had the idea that today was going to be a gooden. HAHA! Half way to uni it started to rain. Now I don't mean like the heavens are spitting at you, I mean like the bloomin' Niagara falls following me round on my bike. I pedaled, found shelter and stopped, pedaled a bit more, found shelter and stopped, but no matter how hard I tried there was no staying dry.
At one point, the wind was so strong and the rain so heinously torrential that I skidded into the church wall. But, as there was no one around, I ended up hysterically giggling to myself... I really hope there was no one around!
I finally got to uni, got my bike into the bike shed and squelched into the media school. I actually couldn't have been more saturated had I of got into a bath tub fully clothed. People at the entrance were lovely, one said how impressed he was as he would have just gone home. But I had bothered to come in so I was staying! Dripping, I headed towards the lift where I left a puddle of water as I left.
Walking into the lecture, my seminar group looked shocked and amused by my state of dress and I am not joking when I say that I nearly destroyed the News room computer as I dripped water onto the keyboard. Dan took one look at me and laughed, but then promptly offered a choice of various items of spare clothes. For the rest of the 3 hours I was dressed in my lecturers dashing attire. T-shirt, Fleece, Trousers and Socks. What confused me though, was why there was such a collection of clothing in his office? He even provided me with a belt and a towel to dry my hair!
Unfortunately, the embarrassing bit is yet to come. Instead of spending most of our time writing articles, this week Dan had us out and about for the whole 3 hour lecture. OH MY GOD! We went everywhere in Uni and I was seen my a number of people that looked at me as if I was bloody insane. We even went across to the Arts Institute and as I walked past the fashion rooms I wanted to curl up in a hole and die.
Once that embarrassing ordeal was finally over I had to change back into my sopping wet clothes and go to my 2 hour MJS lecture where we watched a film. A film!... I could have done that at home!!!!!!
I finally got back to the house, leaving my bike at uni and getting a lift from Tom - thank you very much. I hung up my wet blazer which didn't dry for a further 24 hours - even though it was next to the radiator - and changed into my trusty 'comfies' which consist of a pair of massive grey joggers and a hoody.
After I managed to dry off I had a nice evening avoiding Shorthand and watching TV. If I have learned one thing from this experience it is that I will never again will I try to ride my bike in the rain. Oh... and that I fit into Dans trousers.
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